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Luback was born of a need: the need of using Music as a tool to give what we are, to tell things that matter and to change the world. The band has grown to the point where it has become a family, a community project in which each member uses his soul (and some uncommon skills) to create something special, something from the inside that tries to be a light in the dark.





Synths and choirs

Known as "Doctron", this key player was born at Donosti (North of Spain) but soon "adopted" by Madrid. He grew up among Dire Straits vinils and took part in the double tape revolution. Blues, rock and jazz run through his veins, but he's also accepting of more electronic music styles. Member of the band since its very beginning, he dresses the complicated musical framework of Luback with elegance, making the best use of Hammond, Rhodes or Würlitzer. And if you have a problem, you call him. He solves problems.



Guitar and choirs

Born in South Carolina (USA), he grew up in Brazil until his landing in Madrid (Spain) as a teenager. Although he's licenced in Biochemistry, the stages eventually won the battle over the labs. He started in Luback recording "Relative Keys for Vital Subjects" and, since then, keeps working and creating in constant development. Unique guitar player, he can cause a "godzilla stampede" using six strings with the passion of the greatest. It's not in vain that he's called The Human Fan. While he's playing a solo, you'd better keep ten feet away.



Bass and violin

Born in Madrid, he was only 5 years old when he first played a guitar, but in the end he studied violin at the Consevatory, developing his career in the classic area. Licenced in Music History and Sciences, he was always specially open-minded. He tasted rock, folk, bossanova, pop and jazz, which took him to play the bass and, in 2016, to be part of Luback. Now he dives into the language of rock living that great musical conection with its members. His versatility and talent match perfectly the personality of the band.

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Guitar and vocals

Tied to Music as a guitar player since he was 14 years old, it wasn't untill 2011 when he decided to put together a rock band: and so Luback began. Sometimes called Parker, the frontman with the hat was born in Vigo (Galicia, North of Spain), but he moved to Madrid as a little child. Absurd joker and eternally worried about the world, he grew up absorbing american 90's rock, a visceral teenage trend that would later appear in his compositions mixed with folk and blues roots, styles which are far more present in his current life.




This Valencian began to play at the age of 15 while he was torn between hard rock and pop. This kind of flexibility would eventually turn him into a very special musician, as versatile as careful. With a constantly emerging sense of humor, the punch and the feeling keep growing in the way he hits, taking roots rock as his new teacher and as a way to understand the sound. Despite being the latest to join in, his presence has become essential. Luback is now more a band and more Music. And more bearded.

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